General Stock Page 1

Minerals Beginning with "A" through "Ay"

JC13252.   Adamite.  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.  16 x 4.5 x 3.8 cm 160g   $85.00   Very bright and sparkly golden color adamite, with a partial coating of calcite on one end. 
JC13252.  Closer view, central area.
JC13252.  Calcite covered area. 
JC12676. Adamite (cuprian)  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.    7.5 x 7 x 2 cm 112g  $150.00   Plate of sparkly bluish to greenish blue crystals.  
JC12676.   Closer view. 
JC11498.  Adamite, calcite.  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.   7 x 8 cm  295g.  $70.00  Lustrous light yellow adamite, on a piece with several vugs scattered around on it.  A bit different in that respect.  
JC11498.  Another view.  
JC11498.  Close up showing the calcites.  
JC11498.  Another view.  
JC11498.   Another view.  
JC11361.   Adamite.  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.   1.8 x 3.5 x 5.3 cm  38g.  $190.00.   A choice cluster of pinwheel adamite.  Older piece.   A rather nice miniature. 
JC11361.  Another view.  
JC11361.  Side view.  
JC10672.  Adamite.  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.   2.7 x 5.8 cm  33g.  $150.00.   A near floater group of light green crystals.  Ex Alvin Pranschke collection.   Pretty little miniature.  
JC10672.   Side view.  
JC10553.  Adamite.  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.   4 x 6.5 cm   78g.  $37.00.   An "L" shaped piece, with the bottom of the "L" facing towards the camera.  Color is pale yellow.    Sparkly.  
JC10553.  Another view.  
JC10553.  Another view.  
JC9457.  Adamite.  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.   5 x 7.5 cm 107g  $30.00.  Well formed, prismatic crystals of colorless adamite, which is relatively uncommon for the Ojuela mine.   Collected prior to 2018.    Bright and sparkly.   
JC9457.  Close up of central area. 
JC8628.  Adamite.  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.  7 x 8 cm   287g.   $28.00.   Fans of very pale yellow adamite crystals.  Fluorescent lime green.  Been on the site for awhile, so I lowered the price quite a bit.
JC8628.  Closer view.  
JC8322.  Adamite.  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.  2.5 x 4.5 cm  27g.   $30.00.   A half sphere that is 2.5 cm wide.   The back side of the sphere has been sheared off.  Shows well from the front.   Fluorescent lime green.
JC8322.  Back side.  
 JC5059.  Adamite.  Dachaang Sn-polymetallic ore field, Nandan Co., Hechi prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, China.  4 x 5.2 cm  60g.  $25.00.    These came out briefly in 2009 and have pretty much disappeared from the market.  Not fluorescent.
JC4054.   Adamite.  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.   8 cm x 8 cm 211g  $45.00.  Bright, pale yellow small cogwheel sprays.    Bright luster, no damage to the naked eye except along the edges where removed from the pocket.   Sort of bowl shaped pocket.   Not fluorescent.  
JC4054.   Another view. 
JC13393.  Aegerine, albite.  Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada.  7 x 7.5 x 3.5 cm 76g   $50.00  Up to 7 cm aegerine crystals.  Ex Haineault coll., C: 1992.
JC13393.  Another view. 
JC13393.  Another view.
JC12110.    Aegerine.  Mount Malosa, Zomba, Southern Region, Malawi.   4 cm Tall   10g.  $15.00  
JC12109.    Aegerine.  Mount Malosa, Zomba, Southern Region, Malawi.   6.7 cm Tall   3g.   $20.00.   A couple of dolomite crystals are embedded     SOLD
JC12108.    Aegerine.  Mount Malosa, Zomba, Southern Region, Malawi.  7.7 cm Tall   8g.   $18.00  Doubly terminated, although the one end is a bit of a crude termination. 
JC12107.  Aegerine.  Mount Malosa, Zomba, Southern Region, Malawi.   6 cm Tall   11g.   $18.00  Long, thin single crystal.  Doubly terminated, although the one end is a bit crude in the termination. 
JC11991.   Aegerine, quartz.  Mount Malosa, Zomba, Southern Region, Malawi.  4 x 4.5 cm   29g    $40.00  
JC11991.  Another view.  
JC11991.  Another view.  
JC11798.  Aegerine.   Mount Malosa, Zomba, Southern Region, Malawi.  2.5 x 7 cm Tall  with stand  60g.  $100.00  Dark green, lustrous, terminated crystal group.   
JC11798.  Different angle.  
JC6801.  Aegirine, orthoclase.  Mt. Malosa, Domasi, Zomba dist., Malawi.  7 cm wide x 10 cm tall 201g.  An 8 cm tall crystal.  $98.00.  I got this one from Rock Currier (Jewel Tunnel Imports) in September, 2012.    The crystal is undamaged, and actually terminated, although the termination looks a little crude.   Smaller, stubby crystal is an off shoot, with a few other little aegirine crystals scattered about.  Bright luster.  
JC6801.  Slightly different angle. 
JC6801.  Another view. 
JC6801.  Another view. 
JC13348.  Albite, epidote, titanite?    M.T. Pit No. 1, Thompson Peak, Plumas County, California.  8.5 x 6.5 x 4 cm 296g   $30.00           Named by/for Bay Area collectors Jeanne Mager and Chuck Trantham.  From Charles (Chuck) Trantham collection.    The albite crystals are for the most part epitaxial on microcline, although on some specimens the albite has come free of the microcline.  Sprays of olive green epidote are dominant across the top.  Dead center is what appears to be a partial, oxidized, titanite crystal.    
JC13348.  Slightly different angle.  
JC13348.  Different view. 
JC13348.  Different view.
JC13348.  Different view.
JC13345.  Albite, epidote.    M.T. Pit No. 1, Thompson Peak, Plumas County, California.    8.5 x 5.5 x 2.5 cm 150g  $30.00                    Named by/for Bay Area collectors Jeanne Mager and Chuck Trantham.  From Charles (Chuck) Trantham collection.  The albite crystals are  accented by several  fans of olive-green epidote sprays. The albite crystals are for the most part epitaxial on microcline, although on some specimens the albite has come free of the microcline.   The albite has bright glassy luster.   An obscure location not widely known outside of California.   
JC13345.  Another view.   
JC13345.  Another view. 
JC13345.  Close up.   
JC13343.  Albite, epidote.    M.T. Pit No. 1, Thompson Peak, Plumas County, California.    8 x 7.5 x 4 cm 276g $30.00   Named by/for Bay Area collectors Jeanne Mager and Chuck Trantham.  From Charles (Chuck) Trantham collection.  Pearlescent stepped-growth albite crystals are  accented by several  fans of olive-green epidote sprays.    The albite crystals are for the most part epitaxial on microcline, although on some specimens the albite has come free of the microcline.   The albite has bright glassy luster.   An obscure location not widely known outside of California.   
JC13343.  Another view.  
JC13343.  Another view.
JC13343.  Another view.
JC13343.  Another view.
JC13343.  Another view.
JC13342.  Albite, epidote.    M.T. Pit No. 1, Thompson Peak, Plumas County, California.   7 x 7 x 1.5 cm 86g  $25.00     Named by/for Bay Area collectors Jeanne Mager and Chuck Trantham.  From Charles (Chuck) Trantham collection.  Albite crystals accented by a few sprays of olive-green epidote blades.  The albite crystals are for the most part epitaxial on microcline, although on some specimens the albite has come free of the microcline.   The albite has bright glassy luster.   An obscure location not widely known outside of California.   
JC13342.  Tilted back a little.  
JC4260Albite (cleavelandite).  Crystal Creek, Teller county, Colorado.  5.5 x 7.5 cm 134g  $10.00   There is a hexagonal hole through the specimens where a quartz crystal resided at one time.  Collected in 2003. 
JC4260.  Another view. 
JC12778.  Almandine.  Cat Spur creek, Nr. Emerald creek, Latah county, Idaho.  3 x 3 x 2 cm 42g  $8.00.   Cat Spur creek is located a few miles East of the Garnet gulch/Emerald creek garnet locality.   The crystals are differentiated by the odd zones of limonite on the outside of the crystals.  So far I haven't found anyone that has an explanation for this odd thing on the crystals.   Collected in 1968...back then these things up to golf ball size were just laying around on the hard to find any.    RESERVED
JC12778.  Another view. 
JC12170.   Ammonite.  Polished.  Unknown location   4 cm 20g   $20.00   They call these gem ammonites, for the opal like flash of colors when they are rotated in the light. 
JC12171.  Ammonite.  Polished.  Unknown location   3 cm 12g   $20.00   They call these gem ammonites, for the opal like flash of colors when they are rotated in the light. 
JC12169.  Ammonite.  Polished.  Unknown location.  3 cm across.  12g   $20.00  They call these gem ammonites, for the opal like flash of colors when they are rotated in the light. 
JC13331.  Andradite (topazolite?).  Serpentine dome, nr. the Benitoite Gem mine, New Idria district, San Benito county, California.  8.3 x 4.7 x 3.7 cm  $25.00.  Specimen is covered with tiny garnets that vary from a sort of olive green with hints of yellow, to darker, more dark olive approaching black like melanite.  Although the crystals are tiny, running at a millimeter or less; they have absolutely brilliant luster, the whole pieces sparkles very brightly. 
JC13331.  Another view. 
JC13331.  Close up of the center right. 
JC13331.  Close up of left side.  
JC13136.   Andradite var topazolite.   Nr. Benitoite mine, Serpentine dome, Idria district, San Benito county, California.  7 x 6 x 4 cm 304g  $15.00    I picked this up while wandering around the area in the early 1970's.   Was a loose piece below a heavily sage brush coated hill.  Never could figure out where it came from...somewhere underneath all that brush.    Small, somewhat brownish to golden crystal in what appears to be a highly altered bluish (crossite?) rock very similar to what the benitoite is associated with.   
JC13136.     Back side. 
JC6386.  Andradite, quartz.  Huanggang mine (Huanggangliang mine), Hexigten Banner), Inner Mongolia, China  9 x 14 cm 572g.   $120.00  Crystals are equal to or less than 7mm.  Bright luster, and semi gemmy.  White quartz crystals are scattered over the face.  Piece is a near floater, and is crystallized on the back side also.  I acquired this one in August, of the earlier collected pieces from this mine.  Pretty piece.  
JC6386.  Closer view. 
JC6386.  Closer view. 
JC6386.  Back side. 
JC12739.  Anglesite.  Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, South Sardinia Province, Sardinia, Italy.  5.2 x 4.7 x 1.8 cm 157g   $300.00   Something you don't see every day, a group of colorless, gemmy, glassy anglesite crystals free of matrix.   The crystals are so brilliant and clear, it is a little difficult to get good photos.   The dark color (black) is showing through the crystals from the black back ground.  
JC12739.  A different angle. 
JC12739.  A different angle. 
JC12739.  A different angle. 
JC11533.  Anglesite pseudo cerussite.  Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna county, New South Wales, Australia.   3 x 4.5 cm   47g  $35.00.   Sparkly anglesite crystals replacing the cerussite. 
JC11533.  Another view. 
JC11533.  Another view. 
JC11916.  Anhydrite, calcite.   Naica Complex, Chihuahua, Mexico.   4 x 12 cm Tall.   104g   $275.00.   Light blue anhydrite with colorless scalenohedral coating the back.   Nice specimen.    
JC11916.   Reverse.   
JC13167.  Anorpiment.  Palomo mines, Castrovirreyna province, Huancavelica dept., Peru.    5 x 3 cm 16g   $95.00   One of those really rare things, recognized as a new mineral in 2013 or thereabouts.    Most specimens came out around 2011, and this one came from that time frame.  Very soft mineral with a hardness of about 1.  Some minor rubbing on this one, not surprising given its softness. 
JC13190.  Apatite, siderite, arsenopyrite.  Panasqueira Mines, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal.  7 x 4.5 x 3 cm 202g $75.00   Pretty piece, with abundant very pale greenish apatites, slightly brownish mica, and silvery arsenopyrite.  
JC13190.  Another view.  
JC13190.  Back side.  
JC12464.   Apatite, arsenopyrite.  Julcani Mine, Julcani District, Angaraes Province, Huancavelica, Peru.   5 x 5.5 cm 212g  $75.00.   Very pale green apatite crystals on a bed of small, sparkly, arsenopyrite crystals.  
JC12464.  Another view.   
JC12464.  Closer view.  
JC12183.    Apatite.  Panasqueira Mines, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal.  2.5 x 3.5 cm 14g   $15.00.   Group of very pale green crystals.  
JC12182.   Apatite.  Panasqueira Mines, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal.  3.3 x 4 cm 27g  $18.00.    White crystals on the outside and pale green interiors.  
JC12182.   Another view. 
JC12181.  Apatite.  Panasqueira Mines, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal.  2 x 3.3 cm 6g  $15.00.   Group of translucent, very slightly pale green crystals.  
JC12178.  Apatite.  Panasqueira Mines, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal.  2.5 x 3 cm 13g  $15.00.  Cute small group of almost color less crystals. 
JC12177.  Apatite, dolomite.  Panasqueira Mines, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal.  2.8 x 4.5 cm 33g  $10.00.  Partial crystal.  Top has been damaged.  
JC12177.  Another view. 
JC11976.   Apatite  Potosi, Bolivia.  2.2 x 3 cm 36g.  $30.00.  
JC11976.  End view. 
JC10707.  Apatite.  Panasqueira mines, Covilha, Castelo Branco, Portugal.  1.5 thick, x 4.5 x 6.5 cm   58g.  $42.00.  A light green, thin couple of crystals form a floater group.  The back side has a bit of limonite on it as seen in the last photo.   Odd piece.   
JC10707.  Back side.  
JC7925.  Apophyllite, stilbite.  Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India.   6.5 x 6.5 cm 122g $5.00.
JC12094.  Aragonite.  Tazouta (Tagnaneit; Takaneit), Sefrou Cercle, Sefrou Province, Fès-Meknès Region, Morocco.  4 x 6 cm 93g  $30.00
JC12056.   Aragonite.  Tazouta (Tagnaneit; Takaneit), Sefrou Cercle, Sefrou Province, Fès-Meknès Region, Morocco.  4 x 4.5 cm  70g   $25.00.   
JC12056.  Another view.  
JC11889.  Aragonite.  Tazouta, Sefrou Cercle, Sefrou Province, Fès-Meknès Region, Morocco.  3.5 x 6.5 cm 80g.  $25.00.  Typical group of these neat little aragonites.    
JC11889.  Back side.  
JC11792.  Aragonite.   Tazouta, Sefrou Cercle, Sefrou Province, Fès-Meknès Region, Morocco.  5 x 5 cm 81g.   $10.00   SOLD
JC10208.  Aragonite.  Gallo river, Molina de Aragón, Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain.   3.3 cm long.  58g.  $6.00
JC10208.  View of termination.  
JC8984.  Aragonite.  Diamond mine?, Berryman tunnel, Prospect ridge, Eureka district, Eureka county, Nevada.   7 x 8 cm 344g   $20.00       Bright white  aragonite which looks nice all around.  I photographed it from front, back, and sides.   Not sure exactly which mine the Berryman tunnel is in.   It has been suggested that they came from new work in the Diamond mine on Prospect ridge, however Prospect ridge has several mines on it, and they have been undergoing active exploration up until 2024.   There have been several cave type areas in these mines that produced aragonite.  This is a fine example.  Collected prior to 2016 when I acquired it.  
JC8984.  Another view. 
JC8984.  Another view.
JC8984.  Another view.
JC8984.  Another view.
JC6802.  Arfvedsonite, orthoclase, quartz.  Mt. Malosa, Domasi, Zomba dist., Malawi    5.5 x 5 x 5   59g   $90.00.  A sharp, nicely terminated pair of crystals.  The larger one is 5.5 cm tall.   I got this one from Rock Currier (Jewel Tunnel Imports) in September, 2012.  
JC6802.  Another view. 
JC6802.  Another view. 
JC6802.  A view of the termination.
JC13360.  Arsenopyrite.  Dachang Sn-polymetallic ore field, Nandan County, Hechi, Guangxi.  7.3 x 6.6 x 5.1 cm 426g   $125.00.  Unusual and somewhat skeletal metallic, silvery gray Arsenopyrite. Very heavy for its size.  It is a really unusual specimen of this material. The piece has an engaging textural component across the front as well as interesting open crevasses running along on the back.  The crevasses are filled with platy metallic Arsenopyrite crystals while the front has a number of flat angular features intermixed with a microscopic spider web network of crystal structures. A highly unusual example from Nandan County, Guangxi, China.  Nice and sparkly.  

 Ex. Kurt Hefendehl collection.

JC13360.  Slightly different angle. 
JC13360.  Close up. 
JC13360.  Back side. 
JC13327.  Arsenopyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, quartz, fluorite.   Yaogangxian Mine, Yaogangxian W-Sn ore field, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China.  9.7 x 6.7 cm 693g  $225.00.  Fairly large for the locality arsenopyrite crystals, with brilliant silvery luster.  Near the top center is a ball of sphalerite crystals, and a few chalcopyrite crystals are here and there.  A couple of quartz crystals are present, and one is broken off.  The back has massive light purple fluorite, as part of the matrix.  
JC13327.  Another view. 
JC13327.  The ball of sphalerite crystals is near the top center, a bit hard to see.  
JC13327.  Close up of the sphalerite ball, and a small chalcopyrite tetrahedron looking crystal is on its top side. 
JC13327.  Another view of the top area, with golden chalcopyrite scattered about. 
JC13327.  Another view of the arsenopyrite crystals.  They are so brilliant, silvery, makes them hard to photograph.  
JC13327.  Same area, slightly different angle. 
JC13170. Arsenopyrite.  Mina Noche Buena, Zacatecas, Mexico  2.5 x 1.5 cm 22g  $10.00  Thumbnail of bright silvery crystals.  
JC12180.  Arsenopyrite.  Panasqueira Mines, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal.   2.3 x 2.3 cm 22g  Thumbnail.  $10.00
JC12180.  Back side. 
JC9394. Arsenopyrite, muscovite, pyrite, ferberite.  Panasqueira Mines, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal   9.5 x 10.5 cm 834g  $50.00  Brilliant silvery arsenopyrite, with bladed muscovite?, which has a dusting of sparkly micro sized pyrite crystals on the blades.  There is a broken ferberite crystal on one side, and a broken quartz crystal near the top center.  A couple of the arsenopyrite crystals have minor chipping.      SOLD
JC9338.  Arsenopyrite, muscovite?, quartz.  Panasqueira Mines, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal.  10 x 11 cm 892g  $75.00  A flattish plate with brilliant silvery arsenopyrite.  A quartz crystal is on one edge, and has a tiny chip out of the termination.   Micro muscovite or siderite around the base of the arsenopyrite crystals.  Flashy piece.   Collected prior to  2017.  Much better in person.  Lots of silvery sparkle the camera can't quite catch.  Camera could not begin to catch the attractiveness of this piece.  
JC9338.  Another view. 
JC9338.  Another view. 
JC9338.  Another view. 
JC9338.  Another view. 
JC11974.   Astrophyllite.   Khibiny massif, Murmansk Oblast, Russia. 2.2 x 3 cm 36g  $25.00.   Group of crystals rising into a feldspar? matrix.  
JC11962.  Astrophyllite.   Khibiny massif, Murmansk Oblast, Russia.  3.8 x 5 cm 73g.   $35.00.  Nice flashy specimen.  
JC11962.  Different angle. 
JC11516.  Atacamite.  La Farola mine, Cerro Pintado, Las Pintadas district, Tierra Amarilla, Copiapo province, Atacama, Chile.   5 x 7.5 cm  119g.   $45.00.    Nice coverage of flat lying, brilliant crystals.  
JC11516.   Closer view.  
JC11448.  Atacamite.   Mount Gunson Copper mines, Pernatty Lagoon, Stuart Shelf, South Australia.  5 x 7.5 cm   174g.  $200.00.   Nifty piece of somewhat botryoidal atacamite with micro crystals coating the botryoids.     Minor damage to some of the botryoids as seen in the close up.  
JC11448.   Close up. 
JC11449.  Austinite (cuprian).  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.   4 x 5.5 cm  90g.  $20.00   Light green to somewhat grayish small sparkly crystals.    


JC11449.   Closer view.  
JC11479.   Austinite (cuprian).  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.  5 x 7 cm  90g.  $65.00 
JC11479.  Closer view. 
JC11481.  Back side. 
JC11484.    Austinite (cuprian).  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.  6.5 x 6.5 cm  104g.  $65.00.  
JC11484.    Closer view
JC11484.  Back side. 
JC11488.    Austinite (cuprian).  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.   6.5 x 6.5 cm   94g.  $35.00. 
JC11488.     Closer view
JC11491.    Austinite (cuprian).  Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.    $10.00.   4 x 8 cm  101g     Several small patches of cupro-austinite.  
JC11491.  Another side.
JC11491.  Another side. 
JC13365.  Axinite.  Obira mine, Bungo-Ono city, Oita prefecture, Japan.  5.5 x 5.5 x 3 cm  136g   $180.00  Clove brown crystals.  Sawn base.   Purchased from Victor Yount, Tucson show, February 1991.  Ex Crowley collection JAC1008. 
JC13365.  Closer view, top area.  
JC13295.  Axinite, quartz, epidote.  Canta district, Canta province, Lima department, Peru.   8.3 x 5.9 cm 54g  $250.00.   A plate of small axinite crystals on the left end in this photo, hairlike epidote on the right end, and small transparent quartz crystals protruding out of the epidote.    Recently collected.  
JC13295.  Close up left end. 
JC13295.  Close up right end.  
JC11676.   Axinite, epidote.  Canta district, Canta province, Lima department, Peru.   5 x 11 cm  261g.  $275.00.   Brownish axinite crystals are surrounded by acicular epidote green epidote crystals.   These are destined to be considered classic species combination groups.  
JC11676.  Closer view.  
JC11676.  Another view.  
JC11676.  Closer view.  
JC11676.  Close up, left end.  
JC4638.  Axinite.  New Melones dam spillway, West Belt, Calaveras county, California.   3 x 3 cm 25g  $5.00.   Single crystal on the top, with a partial crystal next to it.  A ding on the termination of the top crystal.    Sawn end.   C: 1982.   
JC4638.  Another view, showing the sawn section.