General Stock Page 23                   Sale Page 2 of 3   D through M

This page will feature sale specimens.   The original price will be left on them, just deduct the % off that I give

Today, June 8, 2024, I added a number of specimens with starting prices of 30% off

JC11102. Epidote.     Kimmeria deposit, Xanthi, East Macedonia and Thrace, Greece.   8 x 11 cm  423g.  $165.00    A nice large plate of brilliant crystals.  There are some broken crystals, not uncommon from here.  Also present are a few small roots that weren't removed by the collector.  Much better quality than the average specimen from here.      ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE 
JC11102.  Another view.  
JC11102.  Close up view with a few roots.  
JC10700.    Epidote.  Groppaggi, Bargone, Casarza Ligure, Genoa, Liguria, Italy.   8 x 9 cm  378g.  $40.00.   One of those rather unusual locations in Italy.   Stubby, good green color, epidotes coating what appears to be a feldspathic matrix.   Specimens are rarely seen from here...makes an interesting locality specimen.   The gent I bought it from collected it himself.     ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC10700.  Closer view. 
JC10700.  Closer view.  
JC10449.  Epidote, titanite (sphene).   Tormiq valley, Haramosh Mts., Skardu District, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.  3 x 4 cm  18g.  $30.00  A 4 cm tall epidote crystal topped with titanite crystals, which are a little on the crude side.     ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE


JC10449.   I darkened the exposure to try to show the titanite crystals on the tip of the epidote crystal.   
JC10449.  Another view.  
JC10449.  Closer view.  
JC9943.   Epidote, albite.  Tormiq valley, Haramosh mountains, Skardu district, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.   8 x 8 x 8.5 cm  464g.   $500.00   From a limited find at Tormiq.  Talking to the dealer that had these, they apparently came from a single pocket collected in late 2017.    He had several of these at Tucson, 2019, and I acquired all of them.  He claimed these were the last and best pieces, although a few inferior specimens were still around.   The matrix is orthoclase (or microcline?).  Suspended in the epidotes are scattered white crystals of albite for nice contrast.   The specimens consist of a dense mass of green epidote sprays in an almost jackstraw like habit.  Luster is quite bright, and damage is very minimal.   The specimen is a mound of crystals, with crystals on all sides of the piece.    Much better in person, these are classic, superior specimens from a one time find of limited extent.  Searching the internet, I have found a few of these in miniature to small cabinet sizes for over $1,000.   This one had some excess matrix which had to be trimmed off with a trim saw, so there is a small 2 cm or so saw mark on one edge of the base, visible in this photo on the base of the specimen    ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC9943.  Another view.  
JC9943.  Another view.  
JC9901.   Epidote, quartz.  Rosario Mabel claim (Flor de Peru II claim), Pampa Blanca, Castrovirreyna district, Castrovirreyna province, Huancavelica department, Peru.  5 x 9 cm  138g.  $90.00.  A couple of sprays on quartz.   From the finds of several years ago.       ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC9901.  View looking down on the terminations.  
JC9834.    Epidote, prehnite.   Bendougou village, Arrondissement Diakon, Commune Diakon, Cercle de Bafoulabe, Kayes region, Mali.  4 x 5.5 cm  106g.  $30.00.  Although a bit hard to tell from the photos, this is a nice miniature of bright luster epidote crystals with a ball of prehnite on the back side.  There are no damaged or broken crystals on this one.   The dealer brought these over from Mali in barrels with no padding, and the specimens were still covered with their original dirt.  There are minor dings here and there because of the way they were shipped over to the U.S.   ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC9834.  Another view.  The prehnite is just visible on the lower right.  
JC9834.  Another view
JC9833.   Epidote, prehnite.  Bendougou village, Arrondissement Diakon, Commune Diakon, Cercle de Bafoulabe, Kayes region, Mali.   6 x 7 cm   182g.  $45.00  A single prehnite ball is perched on glassy dark greenish black epidote crystals.  The dealer brought these over from Mali in barrels with no padding, and the specimens were still covered with their original dirt.  There are minor dings here and there because of the way they were shipped over to the U.S.       ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC9833.  A slightly different angle.  
JC9402.  Epidote.  Bendougou village, Arrondissement Diakon, Commune Diakon, Cercle de Bafoulabe, Kayes region, Mali. 4 x 7 cm  159 g.   $10.00.  A few larger crystals growing on the back of the specimen.  The front is damaged.  Actually a trim piece from one of the other specimens that I thought would look much better by itself instead of attached to another specimen.   The back crystal could be trimmed off to make a small miniature.        ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC9384.  Epidote, quartz.  Green Monster Mountain, Prince of Wales Island,  Alaska.  6 x 7.5 cm   214g.  $125.00.   Dozens of small terminated crystals with nice luster.  A few quartz crystals are scattered around.  There are a half dozen or so broken crystals that really don't detract.     ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC9098.   Epidote.  Djouga diggings, Benduko, Sandari district, Kayes region, Mali.    4.5 x 8 cm  116g.  $75.00.  There was one dealer from Mali I ran across at Tucson 2017.  He had 30 or so specimens from the Djouga diggings, none of which had ever been cleaned...the original red dirt was all over them.  I took a chance and bought two, and wish I had bought more, as they cleaned up beautifully.   This is a pretty group of epidote crystals, dark green, with bright glassy luster, stacked up nicely in a pleasing arrangement.    ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE 
JC9098.  Another view. 
JC9098.  Another view.
JC8555.   Epidote.  Northern Frontier province, North East province, Kenya.  5 x 5.5 cm tall.  144g.  $40.00.      These Kenyan Epidotes showed up on the market in 2002, and they almost disappeared as quickly as they arrived. They are superb quality crystals from any locality, but  attracted more attention as they came from such an unusual locality as Kenya.  Even though many of the crystals from this find were very good sized, not all of them were the finest quality. This piece is one of the better quality crystals from this find from the standpoint of sharpness and luster.  A complex group of crystals with multiple terminations.   This one has two chipped front crystals visible in the photos.   ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE  
JC8555.  Different angle. 
JC8553Epidote.  Northern Frontier province, North East province, Kenya.  A 4 cm tall parallel group.   53g.   $35.00     These Kenyan Epidotes showed up on the market in 2002, and they almost disappeared as quickly as they arrived. They are superb quality crystals from any locality, but  attracted more attention as they came from such an unusual locality as Kenya.  Even though many of the crystals from this find were very good sized, not all of them were the finest quality. This piece is one of the mid range in quality and still has great luster.  Termination is a bit ragged on the left crystal.   ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE  
JC8553.  Another view. 
JC8553.  Another view. 
JC8548.  Epidote.  Northern Frontier province, North East province, Kenya.   2.5 cm Tall Thumbnail 7g.  $20.00   ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE  
JC8548.  View of the termination. 
JC8548.  Back side showing a thin layer of tiny hematite crystals. 
JC8548.  Back side showing a thin layer of tiny hematite crystals. 
JC8546.  Epidote.  Northern Frontier province, North East province, Kenya.  A 6 cm tall crystal group.    41g.  $50.00   These Kenyan Epidotes showed up on the market in 2002, and they almost disappeared as quickly as they arrived. They are superb quality crystals from any locality, but definitely attracted more attention because they came from Kenya. Even though many of the crystals from this find were very good sized, not all of them were the finest quality. This piece is one of the better quality crystals from this find from the standpoint of sharpness and luster  ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE  
JC8546.   Another view. 
JC8546.   Another view.
JC12509.  Ferberite.  Yaogangxian Mine, Yaogangxian W-Sn ore field, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China.  1.3 x 3.3 cm 15g  $20.00    Doubly terminated crystal group.  Brilliant luster.       ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC12509.  Back side.  
JC12508.  Ferberite.  Yaogangxian Mine, Yaogangxian W-Sn ore field, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China.  1.3 x 3.3 cm 15g   $20.00  Brilliant luster crystal group with a bit of muscovite.       ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC12508.  Back side.  
JC12507.  Ferberite.  Yaogangxian mine, Yaogangxian W-Sn ore field, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China. 2 x 4.5 cm 13g   $35.00  Brilliant luster black crystals make up this nice miniature.      ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC12507.  Another view.  
JC12507.  Another view. 
JC12507.  Another view. 
JC11964.  Ferberite, mica.   Yaogangxian Mine, Yaogangxian W-Sn ore field, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China.   4 x 8 cm 161g   $290.00.   An 8 cm tall, bright, sharp ferberite crystal group.   Excellent quality with nice size.    ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC11964.  Back side.  
JC11964.  Back side.  
JC11851.   Ferberite, fluorite.  Yaogangxian Mine, Yaogangxian W-Sn ore field, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China.  5 x 6 cm 240g   $175.00.   Nice single crystal with good termination with a clear fluorite crystal implanted on the front.    ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC11851.  Back side.  
JC11779.   Ferberite, siderite.  Panasqueira Mines, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal.  3 x 4 cm 88g.   $35.00.    A ferberite crystal with the termination completely covered in siderite crystals.   ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.


JC11779.   Slightly different angle.  
JC11779.  Back side.  
JC11761.  Ferberite, pyrite.  Yaogangxian mine, Yaogangxian W-Sn ore field, Yizhang county, Chenzhou, Hunan, China.   3 x 6 cm   33g. $90.00.   A sharp, nicely terminated crystal with a pyrite crystal attached to the side for additional interest.    ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC11761.  Back side.  
JC11764. Ferberite, pyrite.   Tae Hwa Mine, Neungam-ri, Angseong-myeon, Chungju City, North Chungcheong Province, South Korea.  2 x 3.5 cm   28g.  $65.00    An excellent specimen of sharp, chevron-shaped ferberite blades from the classic Korean locality.  A little group of cubic pyrite at the base adds a little pizzazz to the piece.  Terminations are mostly complete.    ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC11764.   Another view, slightly different angle.     
JC11597.  Ferberite.  Panasqueira mines, Covilha, Castelo Branco, Portugal.   5 x 7 cm tall.  304g.   $100.00.   The left side in this photo has been cleaved off, although its hard to tell looking at the photo.  Minor rubbing on the extreme right top edge of the crystal.  Siderite on the back.   ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC11597.  Slightly different angle.  
JC11597.    Another view.
JC11597.  Another view.
JC11597.  Back side. 
JC11597.  Back side. 
JC11563.   Ferberite, quartz.  Panasqueira mines, Covilha, Castelo Branco, Portugal.   5.5 x 8 cm   198g  $ 140.00     Broken crystal in back and on side.    ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC11563.   Another view. 
JC11563.   Another view.
JC10555.  Ferberite.  Cerro Tazna, Nor Chichas province, Potosi, Bolivia.   5 x 5.5 x 5 cm  351 g.  $95.00    Nice group from this location which hasn't produced more of these for several years.    Black, bladed crystals.   Broken crystal on the lower front.   ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10555.   Closer view.   The greenish tint on the crystal face on the left is a reflection, as it is dead black in color.  
JC12537.  Fluorite, calcite.  Xianghuapu Mine?, Hunan Province China C: 1996-1997 4 x 5 x 7.5 cm 163g  $50.00   Somewhat greenish octahedral crystals, with calcite crystals.  Location is not certain though.   Camera recorded these as purplish, so I added green to the photo to try to show the more appropriate color.     ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC12537.  Another view. 
JC12537.  Another view.
JC12537.  Another view.
JC12518.  Fluorite.  Xianghualing Mine, Xianghualing Sn-polymetallic ore field, Linwu Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China.  4 x 7 cm 99g  $50.00.  Transparent light green crystals.  Bright luster.   ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC12518.  Different view. 
JC12517.  Fluorite, calcite.    Xianghualing Mine, Xianghualing Sn-polymetallic ore field, Linwu Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China.  4.5 x 6.5 cm 168g   $50.00.  Transparent light green crystals.   Bright luster.    ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC12517.  Slightly different angle. 
JC12517.  Slightly different angle. 
JC12515.   Fluorite.  Yaogangxian Mine, Yaogangxian W-Sn ore field, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China.  4.5 x 4.5 cm 125g    $45.00.   Main crystal is 3 cm across.   Not lustrous, sort of waxy luster.   Very pale purple.       ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC12515.  Edge view.  
JC12260.  Fluorite.  Dixie mine, Mountain Wells district, Churchill county, Nevada.   6 x 7 cm 178g   $35.00.   Bright satiny luster, transparent crystals with honey color.   Largest crystals are a bit over 1 cm across.    The light color crystals on the far right are partially damaged from contact with the pocket wall.     ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC12260.  Closer view.  
JC12258.  Fluorite.  Dixie mine, Mountain Wells district, Churchill county, Nevada.   6.5 x 7.5 cm 187g   $40.00.  Near colorless to pale honey color crystals.  The underlying matrix is dark gray, nearly black, and this shows through the transparent crystals.  Luster is glassy, and the crystals on this one are somewhat larger, the largest measuring 2 cm across.  There are a little string of later fluorite crystals, white in the photos, as microcrystals strung across the larger fluorite crystals.        ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.      
JC12258.  Back side.   
JC12252.   Fluorite.  Dixie mine, Mountain Wells district, Churchill county, Nevada.   6.5 x 9.5 cm 263g   $40.00.   Sawn back     Light honey color, transparent crystals with glassy luster.    Largest crystals are slightly over 1 cm across.      ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.      
JC12252.  Closer view.    Crystals are way more honey color than this photo indicates.  Actually a light honey color with grayish tints.  
JC12250.  Fluorite.  Dixie mine, Mountain Wells district, Churchill county, Nevada.   5.5 x 8.5 cm 147g   $40.00.   Dark honey color to grayish, transparent crystals with bright satiny luster for the most part.  The crystals on the extreme lower left, that look whitish in the photo are lightly frosted.   ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.     
JC12250.  Closer view.   
JC12247.   Fluorite.  Dixie mine, Mountain Wells district, Churchill county, Nevada.   9 x 12 cm 909g    $50.00    Sawn back   Transparent, bright luster crystals.  The crystals on the left side are slightly frosted so their luster is a dull satin.  There is a dark gray matrix under some of the crystals, which gives the transparent crystals a gray look, and the ones with the gray look also have inclusions of what looks like some type of sandy material as little grains in the crystals.   ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.  
JC12247.  Closer view.  
JC12247.  Closer view.  
JC12246.   Fluorite.  Dixie mine, Mountain Wells district, Churchill county, Nevada.   8 x 13 cm 741g Sawn back   $50.00.   Light honey color crystals on the left and right, and colorless crystals down the center and on the far left.   Crystals are totally transparent with glassy luster.    The honey color is slightly darker than the photos would indicate.    Crystals average 7 to 8 mm across.    ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.  
JC12246.  Closer view. 
JC12088.  Fluorite, pyrite.  Panasqueira Mines, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal.  3 x 7 cm 119g  $20.00.   A somewhat large, but rather dull, fluorite crystal has a crown of funky looking pyrite crystals.   Odd piece.       ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.  
JC12088.  Another view.  
JC12088.  Another view.  
JC11895.   Fluorite.  Xianghualing Mine (Hsianghualing Mine), Xianghualing Sn-polymetallic ore field, Linwu Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China.  8 x 11 cm   552g.  $75.00.    A large, very pale ice green crystal group.    A few dings here and there.      ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC11895.  Another view.  
JC11895.  Another view. 
JC10857.  Fluorite.  Xianghuapu mine, Hunan province, China    7 x 11 cm    534g.  $30.00   Bright luster, glassy crystals with an odd, sort of green/gray color with hints of blue and purple.    ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10857.   Close up view. 
JC10853.  Fluorite, quartz.  Yongchun county, Fujian, China.   5.5 x 7 cm  204g.  $30.00   Blue crystals on drusy smoky quartz.  Crystals have a dull satin luster.  There has been some discussion that these blue fluorites have been irradiated to get this blue color, so this is a possibility.   ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10853.  Closer view.  
JC11885.  Frankeite.   Oruro city, Cercado Province, Oruro, Bolivia.  2.5 x 4 cm 72g.  $100.00.  A flattish specimen of frankeite, with poorly developed terminations on the top side.   Quite rare mineral.     ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC11885.   Terminations.  Rather crude looking.  
JC11549.  Goethite.  Pikes Peak, El Paso county, Colorado.   3 x 3.2 x 4 cm.  62g.  $35.00.  Nice brilliant spray from the somewhat lesser known Pikes Peak.    ON SALE TAKE 30% OFF THE LISTED PRICE
JC11549.  Another view.  
JC9994.  Grossular (topazolite).  Cerro De La Concordia, Piedra Parada,  Tatatila municipality, Veracruz, Mexico.   5 x 10 cm  266g.  $200.00.  Light yellow, with just a slight hint of green, gemmy crystals.   Some damage along periphery.           ON SALE TAKE 30% OFF THE LISTED PRICE
JC9994.  Close up view. 
JC9994.  Close up view. 
JC8205.  Gypsum.  N'Chwaning II mine, N'Chwaning mines, Kuruman, Kalahari manganese field, Northern Cape province, South Africa.  A 3 cm rather complex crystal.  $3.00.   Cleaved on one side.   ON SALE TAKE 60% OFF THE LISTED PRICE
JC8205.  Another view.  
JC12005.   Hematite on quartz.  Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil.  4 x 4.5 cm 98g   $90.00.  Rarely seen are matrix specimens of hematite from this location.  Minor dings here and there on the edges.  Brilliant luster.   ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.  
JC11951.   Hematite.  Franklin Mine, Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex County, New Jersey. 4.5 x 7 cm 403g    $35.00.       ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.  
JC11951.   Another view.  
JC11877.  Hematite (Pseudo after magnetite).  Payún Matrú volcano, Altiplano de Payún Matrú, Agua Escondida District, Malargüe Department, Mendoza Province, Argentina.   3.5 x 4 cm 18g.   $90.00    The pseudos out of this national park area in Argentina were (and are) quite the sensation for their sharpness and aesthetics. This piece is likely from the second wave, which has produced pseudos with a much higher metallic luster and sheen than the original specimens from the 1990s.  There is a secondary partial layer of micro crystals with brilliant luster, giving these even more sparkle.   ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.  RESERVED
JC11877.  Another view. 
JC11877.  Another view.
JC11877.  Another view.
JC11820.  Hematite.  Payún Matrú volcano, Altiplano de Payún Matrú, Agua Escondida District, Malargüe Department, Mendoza Province, Argentina.  3 x 3 cm 10g   $65.00.   Nice stack of crystals with lots of sparkle.      ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.  
JC11820.  Another view.  
JC11820.  Another view.  
JC11820.  Another view.  
JC11820.  Another view.  
JC11820.  Another view.  
JC12358.  Heulandite.  Rat's Nest claim, Bayhorse district, nr. Challis, Custer county, Idaho.  5 x 6.5 cm 80g.  $35.00   Group of light pinkish crystals on mordenite.     ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC12358.  Another view.
JC12356.  Heulandite, mordenite.  Rat’s Nest claim, Bayhorse district, nr. Challis, Custer county, Idaho.   6.5 x 8.5 cm 275g   $40.00.   Nice grouping of light salmon pink color heulandites on a bed of mordenite.   ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC12356.  Closer view. 
JC12544.   Heterogenite.   Star of the Congo, Lubumbashi (Elizabethville), Southern area, Katanga Copper Crescent, Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).   4.5 x 5.5 x 8.5 cm 189g  $100.00  Brilliant, wet looking black botryoids with chrysocolla.     ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC12544.  Another view. 
JC12485.  Heterogenite.   Star of the Congo, Lubumbashi (Elizabethville), Southern area, Katanga Copper Crescent, Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).   7.2 x 10 cm 191g  $250.00. 
So lustrous it looks wet - a rich and very pretty specimen of heterogenite (cobalt hydroxide - it is the dark botryoidal mineral on this specimen) with accents of chrysocolla. very high quality for this material.   ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC12073.  Hubnerite, quartz.   Pasto Bueno, Pampas District, Pallasca Province, Áncash, Peru.   5 x 11 cm 459g  $500.00.   A nice classic specimen.  This one was tough to photograph and make it as appealing as it is in real life.  I took a lot of shots trying to show it as best I could.    The terminations are all complete.  Some of them have little rough areas, but they appear natural.   One of the larger crystals on the right center as that same rough look that is also natural.   Looks great in hand.   ON SALE TAKE 30% OFF
JC12073.  Different angle. 
JC12073.  Different angle. 
JC12073.  Different angle. 
JC12073.  Different angle. 
JC12073.  Back side.
JC12073.  Closer view. 
JC12073.  Closer view.
JC12073.  Closer view.
JC12073.  Closer view.
JC12073.  Angle shot. 
JC12073.  Closer view.
JC12073.  Closer view.
JC12073.  Light back ground. 
JC12073.  Closer view. 
JC12073.  Closer view.
JC12073.  Closer view.
JC12073.  Closer view.
JC12073.  Closer view.
JC11808.  Hubnerite.   Pasto Bueno, Pampas District, Pallasca Province, Áncash, Peru.  1.5 x 3 x 3 cm 53g.   $30.00   Flat termination, with about half of it lustrous.   ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11808.  Back side.  
JC11811.  Hubnerite, quartz. Pasto Bueno, Pampas District, Pallasca Province, Áncash, Peru.  2.5 x 2.7 cm 21g  $18.00   Terminations are complete, with good luster.ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE  
JC11811.  Back side.  
JC11589.  Hubnerite.  Pasto Bueno, Pampas district, Pallasca province, Ancash department, Peru.   2.5 x 4 cm  53g.   $20.00  Single crystal from this famous locality. ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE 
JC11589.   Back side.    
JC11952.   Hubnerite.   Brandberg West Mine?, Brandberg Area, Dâures Constituency, Erongo Region, Namibia.   2.5 x 5.5 cm 156g   $60.00  A single, fairly well formed crystal.  Specimens of this quality from here are quite rare.    ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE RESERVED
JC11590.  Hubnerite, muscovite.  Pasto Bueno, Pampas district, Pallasca province, Ancash department, Peru.  3.5 x 4.5 cm  81g.  $25.00.  Group of parallel crystals forming essentially a single group.  ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11590.  Another view.  
JC11590.  Back side.  
JC11591.  Hubnerite, muscovite.  Pasto Bueno, Pampas district, Pallasca province, Ancash department, Peru.  2.7 x 5 cm  69g.  $30.00.   Couple of prismatic crystals with muscovite.   ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11591.  View of terminations. 
JC11593.   Hubnerite.  Pasto Bueno, Pampas district, Pallasca province, Ancash department, Peru.   2.4 x 3.7 cm  26g.  $20.00.   Single crystal with minor muscovite.  ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11593.   View of termination.  
JC11593.  Back side.  
JC11594.   Hubnerite, quartz.  Pasto Bueno, Pampas district, Pallasca province, Ancash department, Peru.  2 x 3.5 cm   20g.  $15.00.    ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11594.  Back side.  
JC11595.   Hubnerite, quartz.  Pasto Bueno, Pampas district, Pallasca province, Ancash department, Peru.  4.5 x 5 cm  66g.  $30.00.  Group of crystals with quartz sort of holding every thing together.   ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11595.  Back side. 
JC11595.   Another view.  
JC11876.  Hydroxylherderite, quartz.  Brazil?  2 x 2.5 cm 6g.  $55.00   Thumbnail.   Unfortunately in this collection I acquired there are a few pieces with no labels.   This being one.   Looks similar to pieces from Aracuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil.ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11876.  Another view.  
JC11876.  Another view.  
JC11870.  Hydroxlherderite?.  Namibia? Brazil?   3 x 6 cm 31g  $50.00    Terminated crystal.    Unfortunately in this collection I acquired there are a few pieces with no labels.   This being one.   ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11870.  Another view. 
JC11870.  Another view. 
JC11870.  Another view. 
JC12145.  Jadeite. China.  A slice of jadeite.  Back lit in the lower photo.  6.5 x 11.5 cm 129g  6mm thick.  $40.00   ON SALE TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE PRICE
JC12145.  Back lit.  
JC12186.  Kunzite.   Galiléia, Minas Gerais, Brazil.  5 x 10.5 cm 77g  $160.00   A thin crystal, light lilac pink in color.   Appears to be cleaved on the back and bottom edge.    ON SALE TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE PRICE
JC12186.  Same view with black background.  
JC9826.  Liddicoatite, quartz.   Ambarinakanga, Antsira, Madagascar.   7 x 7 x 9 cm   511g.  $900.00.   A 7 cm liddicoatite crystal is nestled into a pale smoky quartz crystal group.   A luscious specimen, with the crystal nicely centered in the quartz.   The crystal on the lower front is broken off, as seen in the photo.  The small crystal on the left of the main crystal is likewise broken off.  The main crystal is pristine.   Displays beautifully as seen in the photos.   Sawn back on the quartz and some non facing faces of the quartz smoothed..   Collected in  July 2006 from a single pocket find at this occurrence.    Ambarinakanga is a large town, and this occurrence was somewhere near there, although the exact locality is not on the label.   ON SALE TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE PRICE
JC9826.  Another view.  
JC9826.  Another view.  
JC11906. Limonite after pyrite.   Gachala Municipality, Cundinamarca Dept., Colombia.  3 x 4.5 x 4.5 cm 190g  $100.00     Pyrite "iron cross twin" specimen that was collected from the Guavió-Guatéque Mining District of Colombia. These twinned pyrite crystals are pentagonal dodecahedrons that underwent surface alteration to goethite, giving the exterior of the crystals their dark color.   These came out around 2007 as I understand it.     ON SALE TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE PRICE
JC11906.  Another view. 
JC11906.  Another view. 
JC11906.  Another view. 
JC10681. Ludwigite, forsterite?  Spring Gulch/Valley View mine area, Quartzite (White Rock) canyon, Spring Mountain district, nr. Big Windy Peak, Lemhi county, Idaho.   10 x 16 cm >1000g.   $150.00  The front face is covered with a heavy scattering of prisms, many with tiny dots of forsterite?  The central area of black lustrous crystals was etched out of calcite, and the edges and part of the back is composed of oxidized semi massive ludwigite, which has this odd amorphous orange oxide material.  There is a patch of larger black ludwigite crystals on the back.  I have been told the light colored specks of anhedral mineral are forsterite, but I haven't personally had it analyzed.     Looks better in person.  The ludwigite prisms tend to blend together in the photos.       ON SALE TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE PRICE
JC10861.  Closer view.   
JC10861.   Closer view.  
JC10819 Ludwigite, forsterite?  Spring Gulch/Valley View mine area, Quartzite (White Rock) canyon, Spring Mountain district, nr. Big Windy Peak, Lemhi county, Idaho.  5 x 5.5 cm  64g.   $40.00   A rather ugly piece, its claim to fame though is it has a terminated crystal.   Terminated crystals are quite rare.  The termination is flat, with a few small offsets.  The beige material is supposedly forsterite, but I have not had it verified.    ON SALE TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE PRICE  
JC10819.  View of the termination. 
JC10819.  Another view of the termination.  
JC10817.  Ludwigite.  Spring Gulch/Valley View mine area, Quartzite (White Rock) canyon, Spring Mountain district, nr. Big Windy Peak, Lemhi county, Idaho.   4 x 7 x 7 cm  143g.  $40.00  A rather ugly piece, its claim to fame though is it has a couple of terminated crystals.   Terminated crystals are quite rare.  The termination is flat, with a few small offsets.    ON SALE TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE PRICE  
JC10817.   Closer view of the terminations.  
JC10785.  Ludwigite, calcite, forsterite?  Spring Gulch/Valley View mine area, Quartzite (White Rock) canyon, Spring Mountain district, nr. Big Windy Peak, Lemhi county, Idaho.  8 x 9.5 cm   463g.  $135.00.   Many prisms in calcite.  A bit of oxidation here and there, but not much overall.  The beige material is supposedly forsterite, but I have not had it verified.    ON SALE TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE PRICE  
JC10785.   Closer view of the upper right. 
JC10765Ludwigite, calcite.   Spring Gulch/Valley View mine area, Quartzite (White Rock) canyon, Spring Mountain district, nr. Big Windy Peak, Lemhi county, Idaho   5 x 7.5 cm  133g.   $100.00.   Groups of jackstraw like crystals.   Some minor hematite on the back and front.     ON SALE TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE PRICE  
JC10765.   Closer view. 
JC10765.  Back side.  
JC10752.   Ludwigite, calcite, forsterite?.  Spring Gulch/Valley View mine area, Quartzite (White Rock) canyon, Spring Mountain district, nr. Big Windy Peak, Lemhi county, Idaho.  6 x 12 cm   685g.  $175.00.  Mass of bright black crystals, coverage on broth front and back.    I have been told the light colored specks of anhedral mineral are forsterite, but I haven't personally had it analyzed.     ON SALE TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE PRICE  
JC10752.  Closer view.  
JC10752.  Back side. 
JC11664Magnetite.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.   8 x 10 cm  890g.   $38.00.   Up to 2.7 cm, highly modified octahedrons of magnetite.  Satiny luster.  Bit of calcite left in the middle.   Minor ludwigite in thin needles on the back.      ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11664.  Closer view. 
JC11659Magnetite.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.  5 x 7.5 cm  564g.  $25.00.   Large, up to 2.5 cm highly modified octahedrons of magnetite.  The orange spots are remnants of highly altered ludwigite crystals.   Luster is bright satiny when turned in the light.       ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11659.  Another view.  
JC11655Magnetite, ludwigite.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.  6 x 7 cm  279g.  $18.00.  A 3 cm, magnetite, a bit pitted, with dull satiny luster makes up the lower part of the piece.  The only piece I found that had unaltered ludwigite crystals on it.   Several, somewhat raggedy looking prisms lying on the magnetite, visible in the photo.      ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11655.   Another view.   
JC11654.  Magnetite.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.   6 x 6 cm  230g.  $15.00.  Lustrous octahedrons of magnetite.  A few have cracks going through them (shrinkage cracks?), but are stable.    Sawn back   ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11652Magnetite, forsterite?, ludwigite.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.    6 x 8 cm  142g.  $25.00.   2 cm and smaller, highly modified octahedral form crystals with satiny luster.  The little orange crystals are highly altered ludwigite crystals.      ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11649.  Magnetite.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.   7 x 10 cm  275g.  $30.00.     1.5 cm and smaller magnetite crystals, highly modified octahedrons.  The orange areas are highly altered ludwigite crystals.     ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE 
JC11649.  Another view.  
JC11646Magnetite, spinel?  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.  4.5 x 5 cm  102g.  $10.00   Attached to the side of a couple of crystals are several tiny, epitaxial, glassy crystals of what appears to be black spinel crystals.  The magnetite crystals have cracks going through them (shrinkage cracks?), but are stable.  One magnetite on the top right has been sheared off, although not obvious in the photo.       ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11645.  Magnetite.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.  4 x 4 cm   55g.  $7.00.   Several magnetite crystals to and over 1 cm.  Some are chipped as seen in the photo.       ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11643Magnetite, spinel?  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.  4 x 6.5 cm   107g.  $12.00.      1 cm and smaller magnetite crystals with satiny luster.  Attached to the side of one crystal are several tiny, glassy crystals of what appears to be black spinel crystals.      ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11642Magnetite, calcite.   Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.   3.5 x 5 cm  165g.  $8.00.     1.5 cm and smaller magnetite crystals.  A couple of incomplete crystals on the edge.       ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11641.  Magnetite.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.   4 x 5.5 cm   89g.  $15.00.   1 cm and smaller, satiny luster magnetites make up the piece.   There is an incomplete crystal the tannish looking material is.      ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11640.  Magnetite, spinel?.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.  2.5 x 4 cm  34g.  $8.00.    A 2 cm slightly pitted magnetite is the main crystal, in view in the photo.   Attached to the crystal, on its side are several tiny, glassy crystals of what appears to be black spinel crystals.      ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11637Magnetite.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.  5 x 7 x 9 cm  348g.  $15.00.   1 cm and smaller magnetite crystals on the front side.  Partial prisms of highly altered ludwigite crystals are present here and there.  The magnetite has satiny luster and the slightly pitted look typical of this deposit.       ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11637.   Another view. 
JC11634.  Magnetite, spinel?.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.   6 x 6.5 cm   303g.  $28.00.   Magnetite to 1.7 cm in size.  Satiny luster.  The magnetite crystal on the center right edge has a ding in it and a chipped termination.   Several magnetite crystals have what appears to be glassy luster epitaxial spinel crystals on them, although these have not been analyzed.     ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11632.  Magnetite.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.  3 x 5 x 7 cm   208g.   $10.00   Magnetite crystals to 1.3 cm, a bit pitted as usual.  Satiny luster.   ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11628.   Magnetite.  Bruce Estate copper mine, Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho.    6 x 8 cm   160g.  $18.00   Largest magnetite is 1.2 cm, the magnetite crystals are slightly pitted, typical for this deposit.  The beige mineral is possibly forsterite, although I haven't had it analyzed.   There are a couple of broken magnetite crystals.    ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC6808.   Magnetite, ludwigite.  Spring Gulch/Valley View mine, Quartzite (White Rock) canyon, Spring Mountain district, nr. Big Windy Peak, Lemhi county, Idaho.   5 x 8 cm  168g.  $35.00.    Mostly black octahedrons of magnetite with some corroded ludwigite crystals in the lower front.   Magnetite's are about 1.5 cm in diameter and smaller.   The magnetite crystals are a little crude/pitted with satiny luster.    ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC6808.  Another view.  
JC6808.  Another view.  
JC10029.  Magnetite, ludwigite.  Spring Gulch/Valley View mine, Quartzite (White Rock) canyon, Spring Mountain district, nr. Big Windy Peak, Lemhi county, Idaho.   6 x 8 cm  255g.  $35.00  Black, octahedral magnetite with small black prisms of ludwigite.   Collected in 2003.   ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC10029.  Close up view.  Several black prisms of ludwigite are visible.  
JC10029.  Close up view.  Several black prisms of ludwigite are visible.  
JC4399.   Magnetite.  Spring Gulch/Valley View mine, Quartzite (White Rock) canyon, Spring Mountain district, nr. Big Windy Peak, Lemhi county, Idaho  3.5 x 5 cm  151g.  $20.00.   Group of somewhat crude octahedral crystals.  Collected in 2003.   ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC4399.  Another view. 
JC12483.  Malachite (semi-polished).  Congo.   8 x 13 cm 791g   $35.00.      ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC12483.  Another view.   
JC11908A.  Malachite.  Congo.  6.5 x 6.5 cm   398g.  $35.00   A polished knob of malachite.      ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC11805.  Malachite (polished).  L'Etoile du Congo Mine (Star of the Congo Mine; Kalukuluku Mine), Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo.  3.5 x 5 cm 153g.  $30.00   Pretty polished knob, showing growth rings.       ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC10732.  Malachite pseudo azurite, azurite. Kerrouchene, Kerrouchen Caïdat, El Kbab Cercle, Khénifra Province, Béni Mellal-Khénifra Region, Morocco.  3 x 5 cm   24g.  $70.00.  Nice little group of sharp crystals.  The largest, partially pesudomorphed crystal has a bit of sandstone stuck on the end of the crystal.       ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC10732.  Another view. 
JC10732.  Another view.
JC10654.  Malachite pseudo after, azurite.  1900 level, 105 stope, Campbell shaft, Bisbee, Cochise county, Arizona.  6 x 6 x 6.5 cm    343g.  $165.00.  Large pseudos of malachite after azurite to 2.7 cm  .  Hard to get a good angle on these for the photos...the pseudos tend to blend in to the rest of the malachite.   Ex Scott Williams, 1956.  Ex. Dr. Eugene E. Sensel collection #232.      ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC10654.  Another view. 
JC10654.  Another view. 
JC10654.  Another view. 
JC10654.  Another view. 
JC9317Malachite pseudo Azurite.  Milpillas mine, Cuitaca, Mun. de Santa Cruz, Sonora, Mexico.  5.5 x 9 cm   171g.  $75.00.    Bladed crystals of malachite pseudo after azurite.     ON SALE, TAKE 50% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC9317.  Another view.  
JC9317.  Another view. 
JC9317.  Another, closer view. 
JC9195.  Malachite, pyromorphite.  Browns Open Cut, Rum Jungle, Batchelor, Coomalie Shire, Northern Territory, Australia.  5 x 8 cm  104g.  $125.00.   From the 2010 find at this open pit, now filled with water since 2012.   Tiny, sparkly, micro crystals of pyromorphite heavily scattered over the dark green botryoidal malachite.    No more of these are coming out.         ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE. 
JC9195.   Another view. 
JC9195.   Close up view. 
JC9021.  Malachite pseudo azurite.  Milpillas mine, Cuitaca, Municipio de Cananea, Sonora, Mexico.  7 x 7 cm  190g.  $20.00.  Small azurite crystals totally replaced by malachite on a white dickite? coating matrix.   ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC9021.   Another view.  
JC3859.  Malachite, calcite.  Tsumeb mine, Tsumeb, Namibia.  4 x 7 cm  85g. $150.00  A 2 cm ball of acicular malachite on white calcite rhombohedra.  Neat piece with no damage to the naked eye except for a very small patch on the bottom edge of the malachite where it was cleaved when removed from the pocket.  This is visible in the bottom photo.         ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE. 
JC3859.  Close up
JC3859.  Close up
JC3859.  Close up
JC11979.  Manganite. Manganese deposit, Ilfeld, Harztor, Nordhausen District, Thuringia, Germany.  2 x 5 cm 21g.  $250.00.   Nice little miniature from this famous locality.        ON SALE, TAKE 30% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC11979.  Another view. 
JC11979.  Another view. 
JC11979.  Another view. 
JC11979.  Another view.  Shows up a bit better with the black background.   
JC11979.  A closer view. 
JC9213.  Mimetite.  Tsumeb mine, Tsumeb, Namibia.  4.5 x 7.5 cm  5g.  $40.00.  Prismatic yellow crystals.    ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC9037.  Mimetite.  Filon Sur Cut, Minas de Tharsis, Alosno, Comarca, El Andevalo, Huelva, Andalusia, Spain.   2.5 x 5 cm  52g.  $50.00.   I picked this one up, as I had never heard of the this location.   A limited find it turns out when I Googled the location.     ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE
JC9073.   Another view.  
JC10339.    Molybdenite, epidote, andradite quartz.      Pine Creek mine, Annex claims, Bishop district, Scheelite, nr. Bishop, Inyo county, California.  3.5 x 6 cm  136g.  $55.00.   Multiple bright small rosettes of molybdenite embedded in a fine grained matrix of epidote, with minor poorly crystallized andradite.   One rosette is nearly 2 cm wide, most others are in the 1 cm to 1.5 cm size range.          ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10339.   Another view. 
JC10340.  Molybdenite, quartz, epidote.  Pine Creek mine, Annex claims, Bishop district, Scheelite, nr. Bishop, Inyo county, California.   4 x 7 cm   119g.   $35.00.  Several rosettes of molybdenite embedded in a quartz rich matrix, with minor fine grained epidote.      ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10340.  Another view.   
JC10340.  Another view.
JC10342.  Molybdenite, quartz, epidote.   Pine Creek mine, Annex claims, Bishop district, Scheelite, nr. Bishop, Inyo county, California.  5 x 5 x 10 cm.   309g.   $45.00.   Numerous small molybdenite rosettes embedded in a quartz matrix with associated fine grained epidote.   The largest rosette is 1 cm, with most rosettes less than that.          ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10342.  Another view.  
JC10342.  Another view. 
JC10342.  A closer view. 
JC10343.  Molybdenite, quartz, epidote.  Pine Creek mine, Annex claims, Bishop district, Scheelite, nr. Bishop, Inyo county, California.  6 x 10.5 cm   359g.   $55.00.    Numerous rosettes of molybdenite embedded in a granular quartz matrix, with fine grained epidote also present.  The largest molybdenite rosette is 1.5 cm across.        ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10343.  Another view.  
JC10343.  Another view.
JC10343.  Another view.
JC10343.  A closer view.
JC10362.  Molybdenite, quartz, epidote.   Pine Creek mine, Annex claims, Bishop district, Scheelite, nr. Bishop, Inyo county, California.   3.5 x 7 cm   118g. $60.00.    Nearly solid mass of molybdenite crystals, sort of interlocking and not complete crystals.   The back is fine grained, granular epidote, with a bit of granular quartz also present.          ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10362.  Another view.  
JC10369.  Molybdenite, powellite.  Pine Creek mine, Annex claims, Bishop district, Scheelite, nr. Bishop, Inyo county, California.   4.5 x 8 cm   139g.   $50.00.   A thin plate of nearly solid molybdenite.  This one was from a narrow vein, with quartz and calcite covering the molybdenite crystals.  When etched out, the quartz fell apart, and with the calcite gone, it exposed the molybdenite.  A little different, as the crystals are mostly edge on, and not real sharp.  Powellite is not obvious until hit with short wave UV  light, where it shows up as a bright yellow color.        ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10369.   Close up view.  
JC10384Molybdenite, epidote, quartz.  Pine Creek mine, Annex claims, Bishop district, Scheelite, nr. Bishop, Inyo county, California.       8.5 x 13 cm  >1000g.  $100.00.   Heavy specimen of molybdenite in a somewhat rusty epidote, quartz matrix.    Crystals of the molybdenite are not well defined, being mostly subhedral.   I took several photos of the front, back and sides.          ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10384.  Another view. 
JC10384.  Another view. 
JC10384.  A view of the backside, which is mostly fine grained epidote.  
JC10311.  Molybdenite, hornblende, quartz, feldspar.  Pine Creek mine, Bishop district, Scheelite, nr. Bishop, Inyo county, California.  6 x 7 cm  168g.  $25.00.   Granular grayish quartz and white feldspar makes up the matrix with minor hornblende crystals also present.   The molybdenite is present as anhedral to subhedral crystals scattered throughout.   Has a sawn base.         ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10311.   Back side. 
JC10316.  Molybdenite, hornblende, quartz, feldspar, powellite  Pine Creek mine, Bishop district, Scheelite, nr. Bishop, Inyo county, California.  6.5 x 6.5 cm  176g.  $20.00.  Anhedral to subhedral molybdenite is embedded in a grayish, granular quartz matrix, with a greenish not identified mineral (pyroxene?).  A few black hornblende crystals are also present.  Small, scattered patches of powellite? are also present.  The powellite? has been identified by its bright yellow fluorescence, but has not been verified by x-ray diffraction or other means.  Specimen has a sawn base.             ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10317.  Molybdenite, hornblende, quartz, feldspar.  Pine Creek mine, Bishop district, Scheelite, nr. Bishop, Inyo county, California.  4.5 x 6 cm  91g.  $15.00.  A few subhedral molybdenite crystals are embedded in a hornblende rich matrix with grayish granular quartz.    Has a sawn base.         ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10317.   Another view.  
JC10322.  Molybdenite, quartz, powellite.  Pine Creek mine, Bishop district, Scheelite, nr. Bishop, Inyo county, California.  3 x 3 cm  19g.  $15.00.  Several molybdenite crystals are embedded in massive quartz.  The view here is of the edge on crystals.     Lots of bright yellow fluorescence which suggests powellite.   The powellite? has been identified by its bright yellow fluorescence, but has not been verified by x-ray diffraction or other means.      ON SALE, TAKE 60% OFF THE MARKED PRICE.
JC10322.  Side view.